Valencia Art
Book Fair
Sept. 2021
Stolen Books
Bráulio Amado

“This book is a bit different than the others because… well, it was 2020. It felt a bit weird to publish something with commercial work in it while so many people I know lost their jobs and/or struggled during the pandemic. That being said, this book is a collection of drawings, tests, experiments, things that got killed because of covid-19, and stuff I worked on for fun while bored at home. A couple of pages feature commercial work I did for magazines/newspapers just because I wanted to translate what sort of year 2020 was, but that’s pretty much it.” Bráulio Amado


21 × 28 cm, 120 pages
ISBN 978-989-54857-7-2
Published in 2021
Ecriture Typeface by: BENÔIT BODHUIN
Back Cover 3D Render by: KÉVIN BRAY



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